Placing the root ball in the planting hole and anchoring the root ball.
Planting large trees in an existing row.

Planting trees and what you know best

Planting trees


Planting trees in your garden, park or avenue immediately gives character to your green environment. They form living monuments that over time reflect the basis of your garden, park or city center.

The intention when you plant trees is that they... catch on and grow. And that they can develop into beautiful large trees, with a... good condition. And on which you have as little work as possible afterwards.

Just to mention, people, but also gardeners, often plant trees way too deep and then they have a shortage of oxygen in the soil. They grow a little during the first few years. But then things deteriorate quickly. And the trees die.

You definitely want to avoid that. Therefore, read all about how to plant trees successfully on this page.

The choice of species for the place where you plant a tree is also very important. And this is where the knowledge of our tree manager comes into play. He knows best which trees are suitable for which soil and how big they will become when they are ready.


Table of contents show



Well thought-out approach

Planting trees requires a thoughtful approach; Both the choice of species and the preparation of the growing location are important. That is why species knowledge is indispensable. It is best to know in advance how big the tree will be when it is finished. So that you are not always confronted with recurring pruning later.

And planting trees too deeply is a common mistake. We even made an entire page about trees planted too deeply.


On this page we really explain everything about successfully planting trees. And everything you have to take into account to achieve a good end result, with healthy and radiant trees.


Tip: read more about it cleaning up or renovating your garden, and first carry out any overdue pruning before you start planting. This gives you a better idea of ​​where it is best to plant. And you will arrive at a better final image.



Why should you plant trees? What benefits do trees have?

Planting trees has many benefits. Trees provide many ecosystem services that are very useful and important for humans, animals and their living environment.

Trees provide shade on hot days and also provide cooling. Because through the evaporation of water through their leaves, they extract heat from the environment and the perceived temperature drops.

Trees also filter particulate matter and produce oxygen. This allows us to breathe cleaner air and has less trouble with our breathing.

And because trees are impressive and beautiful green structures, they provide a calming feeling and relaxation. People like to come together there and it provides nice social contact.

Especially in urban areas, planting trees is important because it creates a green oasis among the architectural structures. And they provide the green monuments of the future.


How to plant trees?

You can plant trees as follows, but we will explain things in more detail later:


Preparation for planting

  • Choose the right tree species for the space you have available. Make sure that the tree when it is fully grown and mature is not too large for the location where you are going to plant the tree.
  • Also choose the tree species based on the soil where you are going to plant the tree. Some tree species can tolerate a moist soil better and others a dry soil.
  • Choose quality planting material with many small roots so that the tree will take off well. Also check whether the tree is not affected by insects or fungi and whether it is good and normal crown architecture has for its kind.
  • During transport, ensure that the tree roots cannot dry out. Cover them well with a tarp or put them in a bag. Wind dries out tree roots very quickly, causing them to die very quickly.
  • Make a large planting hole and do not make it too deep. Planting a tree too deep causes the tree to lack oxygen to its roots, causing them to not grow properly and the tree to die.


Planting the tree

  • Place the tree centrally in the planting hole. When planting large and heavy trees, use root ball hooks and a well-applied band sling at the height of the trunk during lifting. Prevent the bark and branches of the tree from being damaged.
  • Remove the root ball wire and burlap as far as you can reach it. This is up to the bottom of the root ball. Now remove the excess soil on the root ball, because when applying the wire root ball to the tree nursery, soil will end up on the root ball. Now you can clearly see where the roots of the tree are.
  • Make sure that the tree's roots are all just above ground level. Place the tree higher if it is too low in the planting hole.
  • If necessary, install a watering system and aeration system around the root ball.
  • Now apply soil again around the root ball or bare root. Tamp the ground sufficiently firmly, but do not make any impact root damage.
  • Anchor the tree with tree stakes either above ground or underground. You install underground tree poles and a tension system before you reapply the soil around the root ball.


Anchor trees when planting

When you plant trees, it is best to anchor the tree so that it has support in the first years after planting and does not blow over. High winds can break small trees or uproot newly planted larger trees.

It is also important that you fit anchors planted trees to ensure they take root well. But the anchoring must be done correctly.


Why anchor trees when planting?

When trees have just been planted, the new young roots must be able to attach themselves to the soil in the new growing location. These new roots are very small and relatively weak in the first few years. If the tree moves too much due to wind loads, they will break or become loose in the soil.

Then the tree can no longer absorb moisture and nutrients. And the tree goes into stress again. Or, in the worst case, it dries out and dies.

Anchoring a tree properly is important. And read below to learn how to do this correctly.


How to anchor trees when planting?

A first wish is that the new roots that a tree will make after it has been planted or planted do not become loose or break off in too much wind. That is why we anchor trees after planting.

There is a second wish. Namely that the trees receive as much stimulation as possible to grow and make roots. This is done by making the tree move. Through the wind. Two contradictions at first glance. But that can be solved the right way.


If, when anchored with tree poles, these poles do not exceed 1/3 of the branch-free trunk, the tree will still be able to move sufficiently, but the root ball will remain sufficiently stable in the ground in any wind. Tree posts should therefore not be too high. Trees should rather be kept low. This provides sufficient stability to the root ball and the tree can still move, which stimulates its growth in thickness.


In addition to tree posts, there are also root ball anchors. Tension straps, mounted between underground tree posts, are pulled over the root ball. These are below ground level and are therefore visually more attractive. Here too, the root ball is firmly attached, but the tree can still move.


The aftercare you give trees after planting ensures that they grow well

Trees that you have recently planted cannot survive the first few years without the necessary aftercare. Because they do not yet have enough roots to provide themselves with sufficient water and nutrients.

By providing them with the right amount of water in a timely manner and creating a tree mirror with suitable organic material, you support the tree so that they can grow properly. catch on.

Aftercare is just as important as the way you plant the tree. And as the quality of the planting material.

The quality of the growing location remains just as important all the years after planting. Make sure that no soil compaction occurs and that you apply mold-rich woodchips in a timely manner, but not too much (max. 5 cm).

What aftercare do trees actually need?
  • Water the tree with enough water, but certainly not too much. Because then you expel all the air and therefore also oxygen from the soil.
  • Apply a large tree mirror with a layer of developed compost (3 cm) and on top of that a thin layer of wood chippings (5 cm).
  • Leave the leaves under the tree in winter. But make sure the leaves are airy. And if the pack becomes too thick, discard the excess leaves. This way you prevent oxygen deficiency.
  • Feed one regularly accompaniment pruning out. So that you do not get problem branches in the permanent crown and the trunk is branch-free up to the desired height.
  • Doesn't forgive the aftercare in the following years. And water on time during dry periods. This may sometimes be necessary up to 5 years after planting the tree.


Monitoring watering with moisture sensors

You can of course count on b-Tree for the right aftercare. Because sometimes it takes some time.

And especially with climate change, aftercare is often more than necessary.

For example, in recent years we have watered all our new plantings during the long hot and dry summers.

Without watering young trees or newly planted trees during these past extreme summers, many trees would otherwise not have made it.

Because young trees or newly planted trees do not yet have sufficient roots to provide the entire crown with moisture during extremely dry periods. Therefore, they must be supported with water until their root system has grown and developed sufficiently.

TIP: Note that a well-designed tree mirror not only provides a quality growing area, but also retains moisture better in the soil. And that a tree mirror ensures that you... garden easy to maintain makes, so that you garden maintenance with respect for the trees can perform. 

Because you will not cause mowing damage to the trunk or roots.


This is how you water after planting trees

For trees to grow, oxygen and water are needed in the soil. And this in the right proportion.

When a soil is saturated with water, there is no longer room for oxygen.

When there is a lack of oxygen, a tree deteriorates very quickly. This is only a matter of days to a few weeks. Even then, significant damage has already been done.

So too much water is very bad. Check the soil moisture and soil type before watering.

On the other hand, if it is necessary to water, it is better to give more water per watering, but not too often. So fewer waterings. This way, the tree will certainly receive enough water in one watering. And this water will also be able to penetrate into the root ball, up to the fine roots. Where the water is needed and absorbed. And because the water seeps into the ground, air with oxygen will follow it again, so that the soil also contains oxygen.

Note: with more frequent waterings with only a little water each time, the water does not penetrate deep enough into the soil and has no effect. 
It will evaporate instead of being absorbed by the tree.
It is therefore better to provide sufficient water in one watering, but not too often.


By monitoring soil moisture with moisture sensors in the root ball, you prevent irreparable damage

If you have us carry out the aftercare, we will keep a logbook so that you know for sure when and which actions were taken. And if you wish to do the aftercare yourself or outsource it to third parties, we can prescribe the correct guidelines for aftercare.

The better the aftercare and follow-up of a new planting, the greater the success rate and the less failure there will be. That always pays off. Because failure means that the tree must be replaced by a new one. And that costs time and money.

Therefore we monitor the soil moisture, just as we do with trees in the vicinity of a well drainage, in the root balls of the newly planted trees and we read the moisture content every day. Based on this, we determine how much water to give to keep the soil moisture at the most ideal level. The advantages of this are:

  • We can water in time before drought stress occurs,
  • We do not give too much water, which is bad because of the lack of oxygen that occurs in the soil, which greatly slows down root growth.
  • This means that the cost of aftercare is optimal. Because both too much water and too little water are always wasted money. Because there is only a greater chance that you will have to replace planting material.


Don't forget the accompanying pruning in the first years after planting your trees

The pruning the tree, the first years after planting, is important to prevent problem branches.

For example, it is important that you achieve the correct height of branch-free trunk if the tree is an avenue tree.

You also do not wish to retain problem branches, such as elbow branches or codominant buds, in the permanent or permanent crown.

And if you waited too long with the accompaniment pruning, then the pruning wounds and branches to be pruned become too large again. This increases the risk of infections and... attacks arises.

Please feel free to contact us without obligation Contact contact us and ask for tree advice for the correct planting of your trees.


Planting trees along the plot boundary - Ilex aquifolium

Planting a row of Ilex aquifolium along the plot boundary and re-laying the lawn strip next to it. The young trees finally grow in a strip of litter.


Planting trees with bare roots

Layed out and sorted young small trees with bare roots. The young trees must be richly provided with many small and fine roots in order to take root well. And they must always be kept moist during planting, otherwise they will dry out due to the wind and sun.


Setting out and sorting the planting material before laying out the boards

Arborist Bert sorts the planting material and checks the quantities and quality of the planting material. This according to the garden plan.


Setting out planting material during the construction of a border

Laying out the planting compartments and setting out planting material.


What questions should you ask before planting trees?

Before you plant a tree, consider the following things:

  • What is the purpose of planting the trees?
  • What final image do you want the trees to achieve in the long term?
  • Which species and variety do you wish to plant?
  • Can b-Tree Tree Care introduce you to less well-known species and varieties?
  • Which tree species suddenly provide a climate adaptive garden?
  • Is the location and the growing place suitable for your choice? To choose the suitable tree species, you must, for example, take into account the development phase and the final appearance of the tree.
  • How are the soil conditions? Is there a disturbing layer in the soil that makes planting the trees difficult? And can the trees be grown without additional measures, such as a... growth site construction of growth site improvement, grow into healthy adult trees?
  • What aftercare do the trees need in the coming years after planting?
  • Who will provide this aftercare?
  • How do you ensure the proper growth and development of the trees?
  • How do you prevent that you will not need your tree every year? pruning?

We have to advise you do this in a professional manner. And take into account all factors that are important for a successful planting.

b‑Tree Tree Care first ensures a good and well-thought-out plan. Afterwards for a perfect custom planting, with high-quality planting material. And for success for the good and healthy development of the trees in the years to come.


Importance of soil when planting trees

To ensure that trees can develop properly, you must invest in good soil quality when planting trees.

Trees obtain moisture from the soil to ensure their sap transport. The most basic physiological life process. In addition, trees also extract nutrients from the soil. And they consume oxygen that must be present in the soil for the tree roots to grow.

To ensure that a tree is never too wet or too dry:

  • You must ensure that the soil drains sufficiently during humid periods.
  • But on the other hand can retain sufficient water,
  • and the tree roots can grow sufficiently deep in the soil to the groundwater table.

It may even be necessary in heavily built-up urban environments underground growth site construction to create. So that the planted trees have sufficient and high-quality root space available. So that they can grow into a tree for the future.

Allowing trees to grow into valuable future specimens with minimal maintenance therefore requires an investment in the soil.

It's not simply a matter of putting a tree in the ground and done! No, it certainly isn't.


Growth problems and loss of condition

Unfortunately, we often encounter situations where we are asked why trees recently planted (by third parties) are not growing. Wilt or loss of fitness en vitality show.

The cause can almost always be found in the soil. Either the trees were placed too deep in the planting hole when planting.

They are either too dry, too wet or they do not have enough oxygen in the soil.


Qualitative properties of the growing place when planting

The quality of the growing place of a tree is one of the most important things to guarantee the development possibilities of a tree.

For example, a tree with a large root space, a humus-rich and leafy soil in its tree area, will do much better in terms of growth and growth. condition.

Opposite a tree planted in the middle of a tiled sidewalk without any quality soil, and with only paving around it. This tree cannot develop and will grow faster loss of condition have.

A problematic one growing place can also be caused by compaction of the soil due to traffic over the root zone of the tree. Or for the sake of lawn as underplanting under the tree.

Read why the Where a tree grows is so important and which disruptive factors may be present or occur.

This is called removing all disturbing factors and optimizing the growing area for normal development opportunities growth site improvement.

Notice that with a growth site improvement whether site improvement can improve any soil. If certain disruptive elements are present in the soil where you are going to plant trees, these are best resolved at once before or together with planting. It gives more future prospects for the trees.

Before planting a tree, you should: location improvement to consider. Because that's how you bring the tree to its best potential condition and ensure a successful planting.


TIPS when planting trees

Therefore, consult with us and let us know certified tree manager you the best tree technical advice before you start planting trees.

Also ask which tree species are more climate-resistant and therefore better able to withstand climate change in the future. Here's how you get one climate adaptive garden that has a richer biodiversity supports.

Never plant a tree too deep, because then the tree may not take root and may even die after a few months or years. 

Remember, a tree seed in the forest simply falls to the top of the ground and starts growing from there. So a tree does not start growing from the ground, but from the ground. 


If space is limited, do not plant a large tree species in your garden. 

A large tree can take up too much space when it comes to the final image. And then you will have the wish to prune the tree more often.


Planting trees in a park garden in Beerzel


When is the best time to plant trees?

The best period to plant trees is November and December.

It is best to plant trees when all the leaves have fallen from the trees. Then the cork strips between the leaf stem and twig are fully formed and the tree is in winter dormancy.

On the one hand, planting trees in November or December reduces the chance of severe frost.

On the other hand, trees still have an entire winter and part of the spring to grow their new roots. Before their leaves start to emerge. And this is precisely where the great advantage of achieving a successful planting lies.

If there are more young and new roots when the leaves start to emerge, the tree will have more of the moisture and nutrients it needs. Because by planting a tree from a nursery in a new place, some of the roots are always lost. So the tree is under stress.

And by planting in November or December, the tree can overcome a lot of stress by the time its leaves emerge.

The later you plant in the planting season, for example April, the more weakened your tree will be going into the growing season. And the greater the chance that the tree has been exposed to diseases and pests in the first years. Especially with our more extreme climatic weather conditions.


Why plant trees at the right time?

Also plant your tree at the right time, namely in autumn or early winter. Because then the tree can make many new roots during the autumn and winter. Which the tree needs when its leaves start to emerge in the spring. And the more roots the tree already has by then, the better the tree can start to grow.

But don't plant your trees when it's freezing. And not even when its leaves are already sprouting. Then you are way too late with planting.

If you respect the ideal time for planting, you have a better guarantee of a successful planting.


Why is quality planting material important?

Only buy quality planting material. So that you have a much better chance that your investment in planting a tree will be successful and that the tree will therefore take off well. Because you don't want your work to be lost.

And if the tree takes off well, it can later grow into a beautiful tree in the end.


What is quality planting material?

When purchasing a tree, check that it meets the following quality requirements:

  • not damaged, nor to its branches, trunk and roots,
  • accompaniment pruning had,
  • well-rooted root ball,
  • no diseases or attacks,
  • not damage or damage by insects,
  • has no double peaks,
  • no genetic abnormality,
  • correct species, variety and cultivar,
  • good wire ball with natural jute, annealed wire and solid ball,
  • provided with a plant passport.

If you have any doubts, buy your tree through us.

We always inspect the planting material that we purchase from quality growers.

Then you are also assured of high-quality planting material. And we often choose a grower from your area with a similar soil to where you will plant the tree.

The latter in turn helps for good hitting the tree. The tree then does not experience any major changes in the soil, which causes less stress.

If you like extended tree advice If you would like help with planting trees, we are happy to assist you.

We plant trees in a small city garden as well as in an extensive park garden or urban area.

And both small trees, and big trees. Even with a telescopic crane if necessary.

Therefore, trust us so that your investment is not lost.



Which tree to choose to plant

There are many tree species to choose from when planting trees. From native species to exotic species. And from small to very large trees when they are finished.

But what do you take into account when you plant a tree?

Below you can read all about the choice of tree species. Of the space you need. Which soil type is suitable for which species. As well as thinking about when the tree will be finished.


How to choose a tree?


How do you choose the right tree species and variety for your garden?

When you make a plan or design of your garden, take into account the size of the tree when it is finished. In other words, when it is fully grown.

This way you prevent the tree from being too big for its environment in the years after planting. And it is necessary to prune the tree.

Also determine what soil type you have in your garden and what soil profile. Because not all trees like a dry sandy soil or a wet loam soil. Even if the tree has to survive on a hanging water profile, this influences the choice of your tree species.


So you make the right choice of tree species and variety for your garden based on:
  • Location (location and space available to the tree).
  • Growth location (the qualitative properties of the soil where the tree ends up).


Note that not every tree species is suitable for a certain type of soil, nor for a specific area where you wish to plant. So choose carefully based on the location and growing area.

Be sure to read what it says difference between location and growth location before you continue reading below. That better clarifies what we mean.


What impact does the location where you plant trees have?

The physical space you have available in your project is the first determining factor that influences your choice of tree species.

If you have a small city garden of only a few meters wide, do not plant a walnut, for example. Because this tree species needs a lot of space. They grow up to 15 meters wide and more.

And they can tolerate pruning less than other tree species.

There are other tree species that are more appropriate here.

We are thinking, for example, of smaller tree species, the final image of which is more limited in size.

Trees of 2de size, which grow between 6 and 12 meters high, are then more suitable for planting.

These tree species include dogwood, rowan, field maple, serviceberry, hawthorn, magnolia and many other species.


Why is the growing location important when choosing a tree species?

To repeat, by growth location we mainly mean the qualitative properties of the soil where a tree grows.

And how good it is soil food web flourishes.


Why is soil type important when choosing tree species?

The soil type and soil quality is therefore important for the future and development of the planted tree.

The soil type can range from very light sandy soil to heavy clay soil.

And not every tree species grows well in sandy soil. Some species do, however.

For example, Scots pine, honey locust, Japanese larch, aspen, Douglas fir and some oaks prefer a dry sandy soil.

On the other hand, there are other species that prefer a heavy loam or clay soil that is moist.

These species include the real tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera), white horse chestnut, Japanese walnut tree, plane tree, giant sequoia, sweet chestnut, etc.


How does a tree species ensure minimal maintenance when at the end?

Along roads and avenues where roadside space is limited, it is often advisable to plant a “fastigiata” variety. Because of the columnar shape of this variety, it is not necessary pruning trees frequently.

Which in turn saves on maintenance costs for the public green service.

If there is enough space, such as in a park garden or castle garden, trees of 1th size to be planted.

These become much larger. Both in height and width.

These species include lime, oak, beech, maple, etc.

These trees can then grow into full-fledged future trees in their location and achieve their natural final appearance over the years.

If there is enough space above ground, it is not always the case that there is also sufficient space underground. Be sure to take that into account.

On a city square there can be a lot of space above ground. But if parking spaces are needed everywhere, there is no room for a vital tree mirror.

This can be done by means of a underground growth site construction the growing place of the tree can be perfectly arranged. So that double use of the soil is possible.

At ground level there are pressure-resistant parking spaces. And underneath a completely decoupled tree mirror that provides the tree with sufficient root space, moisture, nutrients and oxygen.



View trees in final image


Visit our show garden in Beerzel and park garden in Heist-op-den-Berg

Choosing the right trees for your garden is no easy task, as you could read above.

Are you looking for a tree for a compact city garden or an extensive park garden? Are you going to plant your trees in sandy soil or clay soil?

And will your trees be close to your home or among other trees?

Then let yourself go to advise by you arborist en Tree Manager with expertise. We listen carefully to your wishes and expertly guide you to the right trees for your garden - for a green, low-maintenance result.

Choosing trees? Visit our show garden with the most beautiful trees, beds and plants, including an impressive pond in Beerzel. Or visit our park garden in Heist-op-den-Berg. We will also take you to a suitable tree nursery to choose your specimens.


What can you see in the show garden at b-Tree Tree Care?

From solitary native trees to avenues and areas of forest, all carefully thought through tree management. Here you can look and choose to your heart's content among the beautiful plants and trees, borders and beds. So let yourself be fully inspired and... to advise for your small city garden or extensive castle garden. The extremely varied, sleek color palette shows how your garden can also bring peace and enjoyment.




Thank you for reading all this and please contact us with your questions

We hope that you can go a long way.

Do you now know everything about planting trees? Hopefully a lot has become clear, but there are of course many more facts. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact us and let us assist you in successfully planting trees.


Feel free to make one now Appointment and plan your garden visit.



Also read other useful articles related to planting trees



Frequently asked questions about planting trees


Which trees to plant in Belgium?

In Belgium you can plant all native species, such as oak, beech, maple, hawthorn, ash, alder, poplar and many other species. Non-native species also thrive in Belgium because we have a temperate climate. Take into account the winter hardiness of the tree species. Species such as holm oak only have a winter hardiness of 8a (-12,2 to -9,5 °C).


Can you just plant a tree?

Often you can just plant a tree. Please take into account the applicable legislation. This ranges from the Civil Code and the Field Code to obligations or rights prescribed by cities and municipalities, but also by decrees, such as the Nature Decree. Or are recorded in a deed of purchase. Immovable heritage also has its rules that you must respect.

In residential areas you must take into account a minimum distance of 2 meters. And when you plant several standard trees in a group, it is best to respect a distance of 3 meters (although this may also be 2 meters since the new “Goods” legislation in the Civil Code).


Can you plant trees in the summer?

You cannot plant bare-root trees in the summer. These trees would have too few roots to meet their moisture needs during the summer. You can plant potted trees in the summer, but this is nevertheless not recommended. You will then have to monitor them closely and water them on time.


Where can you plant a tree in the garden?

You can plant trees almost anywhere in your garden. You just have to make sure that you respect the legal planting distances and do not cause any nuisance to neighbors. The legal planting distances can be found in the Civil Code “Goods”, articles 3.133 and 3.134.


How long does it take for a tree to grow?

Trees need to be planted almost immediately establish after planting. The tree should let out its leaves in the spring, just like other trees do. Of course, not every species is as fast as another species and there is also a genetic difference. But if there are few leaves on the tree and the twigs do not grow in length, something is wrong.

Be sure to read the following frequently asked question about this.


How deep do you plant a tree?

You should not plant trees too deep. Because then the tree will not have enough oxygen available to its roots and the newly planted tree will not be able to make new roots. And existing roots die. Which is disastrous and the tree dies.


How much does it cost to plant a tree?

Planting a tree usually does not cost much money. The smaller the tree and the more common the choice of species, the cheaper. If you plant large trees or exclusive species or multi-stem trees, the investment can increase. The price generally varies between €250 and €1.000 for planting a tree.


How far should a tree be from the neighbors?

By law, according to the Civil Code, article 3.133, a tree must be located 2 meters from its neighbor. Although we think this is very short because trees will still grow and it is best that they do not cause any problems in the long term due to overhanging branches. Read more about planting distances and the legal framework.


Which tree to plant at birth?

Commonly chosen species are lime (Tillia) and oak (Quercus), but you can choose whatever you want. These varieties are both also suitable for growing old and are also quite climate resistant. Be sure to take into account the space that the tree will need later when it is large and has reached its final appearance.


Which tree to plant in a small garden?

In a small garden it is best to plant a type of tree that does not grow too large, because the tree will then cause a nuisance to the neighbors. Such as overhanging branches or leaf fall. Suitable species are: hawthorn, holly, dogwood, field maple, Persian dormant tree, currant tree, medlar, low-stemmed fruit species and lilac. But there are of course many other smaller tree species.


Feel free to ask us which tree species is suitable for your garden.

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