Final image of a tree after pruning (lifting and crown reduction) of a beech in a park garden.

Cleaning up or renovating a garden with overdue maintenance


How do you start cleaning up a garden with overdue maintenance?

Bringing back splendor to a neglected garden. Guide to careful repair and maintenance


A neglected garden with overdue maintenance and pruning can seem overwhelming. But with the right plan and a deep respect for the natural elements, your garden can be restored to its original glory.

This web page will guide you in restoring structure to your garden, respectfully maintaining trees and shrubs and removing weeds in an ecological and thoughtful manner.


1. Start with a careful inventory

Before you begin restoring your neglected garden, it is crucial to take a thorough inventory of the existing vegetation. Identify all trees and shrubs and make notes about their current condition. Keep an eye out for dead branches, diseases or pests, and potential safety hazards.

When you come across dead trees that make your garden unsafe, leave the professionally remove or fell trees. Please note, dead wood in your garden is important for biodiversity.


2. Pruning with respect for the habit

When pruning trees and shrubs, it is essential to respect the habitus (the natural growth habit) of each plant.

First, only prune dead or damaged branches and then shorten the living branches so that trees and shrubs each have sufficient light again. Use sharp and clean pruning shears or hand saw for precise work.

And never prune more than 20% of the tree or shrub's total leaf mass in one season to minimize stress.


3. Restoration of the garden structure

A neglected garden has often lost its structure. Bring back the structure by pruning the plants as much as possible from each other and restoring structure based on size, shape and function.

When your additional will plant trees, place the trees in strategic places to provide shade, ensure privacy and create attractive viewpoints.


4. Respectfully remove weeds

Removing weeds is crucial to increasing the aesthetics of your garden.

However, do not use chemical herbicides. Because they are also harmful to your other plants, the environment and the environment.

Instead, you can pull weeds by hand. Or apply a layer of organic mulch material, such as wood chips, to suppress weed growth.


5. Natural mulch for nourishment and protection

Use natural mulch, such as leaves, straw or compost, in the tree tops of trees and shrubs to provide solid nutrition. And to reduce weed growth and protect the soil against extreme temperatures and therefore dehydration.

Mulch also helps to stimulate soil life and promote biodiversity.


6. Support climbing plants

If your garden contains climbing plants, such as climbing roses or ivy, make sure you provide suitable structures for their support. Place trellises or climbing frames against walls, fences or free-standing in your garden to guide these plants. And add a visually appealing element to your garden.

Many climbing plants flower profusely and are therefore very useful as a food source for insects.


7. Water with care

After restoring your garden, it is essential to provide plants with water correctly.

Only water your garden during very dry periods and avoid overwatering. Because this is harmful to the roots of trees and shrubs. Preferably water early in the morning or late in the evening to minimize evaporation and maximize water absorption by soil.


8. Fertilization for healthy growth and strong plants

To promote the health and growth of your trees and shrubs, fertilization may be necessary. Only use organic fertilizers to enrich the soil with essential nutrients.

Fertilize preferably in spring and not in autumn to stimulate growth and increase winter hardiness.


9. Maintenance of lawns and paths

A manicured lawn and well-maintained paths contribute to the overall appearance of your garden.

Only mow the grass from June onwards, so that flower-bearing herbs can still flower. And be careful with fertilizers. Don't use them too close to your trees. Trees do not like nitrogen concentrations that are too high. Because this causes the ectomychorriza-forming fungi in the soil to deteriorate, and in the long term the condition of your trees will also deteriorate.

Keep paths clear of vegetation and repair any damage to maintain a neat appearance.


10. Bird and insect friendly garden

Support biodiversity in your garden by creating a bird and insect friendly environment.

Place berry-bearing shrubs near nut trees or hazel trees to attract birds. And plant flowers and flower-bearing shrubs that attract butterflies and bees. Promoting a healthy ecosystem in your garden will contribute to natural balance and natural pest control.


11. Regular inspection and care

Continue to inspect your garden regularly for signs of diseases, pests or other problems. Early detection can help to take quick action and prevent further damage. Be alert for abnormal leaf colors, strange insect activity or other unusual symptoms.


12. Sustainable and ecological gardening

An important aspect of respectfully restoring and maintaining your garden is sustainable gardening.

Use native plants that are well adapted to the local environment, soil and require less water and maintenance.

Avoid using chemical pesticides and opt for natural methods of controlling pests and diseases.





Restoring a neglected garden with overdue maintenance and pruning is a valuable project that can produce beautiful results.

By acting with care and respect for the trees, shrubs and the entire habit of your garden, you will create a harmonious outdoor space. Which will be a source of joy and relaxation.

Remember that gardening is an ongoing process, where regular maintenance and attention to the natural elements are the key to a thriving garden full of life and beauty.



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