Planting large trees in an existing row.
Placing the root ball in the planting hole and anchoring the root ball.

Planting big trees and what you know best


If you plant large trees, this will suddenly add character to your garden and the landscape.

It can be a powerful way to immediately add beauty, shade and ecological value to your environment.

Large mature trees bring years of growth and character.

But planting and caring for them successfully requires attention to detail and careful preparation and planning.

In this article we will discuss the benefits of planting large trees. Just like the steps needed for a successful planting. And the necessary tree technical details.



Why plant big trees?

The benefits of planting large mature trees


In addition to the aesthetic benefit, planting large trees also offers benefits in terms of ecosystem services, the environment and your heritage.


Immediately Impact

Unlike planting young trees, large trees provide immediate beauty, shade and privacy. They also increase the value of your property.


Environmental benefits

Mature trees contribute to air quality, reduce the carbon footprint and provide habitat for wildlife and insects. They also help prevent soil erosion and contribute to a more climate-resistant garden. Because the larger the crown projection, the better.


Shadow and Energy saving

Planting large trees also has the advantage that they suddenly protect your house from direct sunlight and the summer heat. It reduces the need for air conditioning, so you can save significant money on your energy bill.



Smaller and younger trees have quite low biodiversity. The larger trees become over time, the more insects live on the tree. Large trees also attract more birds and thus promote biodiversity in your area. Great biodiversity ensures that you are less bothered by diseases and pests in your garden.


Visual attraction of large trees

Mature trees add character and visual appeal to the landscape. It stimulates rest and relaxation. And provides nice places for meetings.



Can you plant large trees?


It is no problem to suddenly plant large trees. But you have to plan and prepare this well. We will explain this later in the article about how to plant large trees.

Know that you have many benefits from planting large trees.

But that there is more work involved. And the investment is big. Especially if you want the trees to grow, stay healthy and reach their final destination quickly.



How do you plant a big tree?


Choose the right one tree species

Select tree species that are suitable for the climate, soil conditions and available space.

Also ask yourself what the purpose of the large tree in that location is. Should the tree provide a lot of shade? Should the tree also provide privacy in winter?

Consult with our certified tree manager who will help you make the right choice.


Choose trees from a reputable and high-quality tree grower

Planting large trees costs a lot. On the one hand, trees are more expensive to purchase than young trees. And more work is needed to successfully plant the large trees. That is why it is very important that you choose good quality trees. That are well prepared for a transplant.

A renowned tree grower will cut its large trees in a timely manner in the nursery and prune them in a timely manner. This continues for years, until the tree is visible. So that both the root ball and the crown are of high quality.


Research of the new growth site

Nothing is as important as one qualitatively suitable growing place. If the soil is suitable, the tree will grow and develop. That is why our certified tree manager will first dig a profile pit where the new large trees will be planted.

Only in this way will it be known whether there are any problems in the soil, and where the trees will be able to take water. Which in turn determines the aftercare; water more or more often (or not at all).


To prepare of the new growth site

b-Tree Tree Care ensures that the soil drains well, there are no disturbing layers, and it is easy to root. And if necessary, we improve the soil with elaborated organic matter. Or we drill large tubes to improve drainage or provide more oxygen near the root balls of the new trees.

And when existing trees are present, we only use techniques, such as an air spade or soil vacuum truck, to minimally damage the roots of the existing trees.


Prepare large trees and place them for transport

The planning for planting the large trees is recorded accurately and in detail with the tree grower. At the nursery, the trees are prepared for transport and they are packaged so that they arrive on location without damage.

In some cases we involve a signaling company who maps out the road route and organizes the necessary diversions.


Graves of the planting hole

We dig the planting holes two to three times as wide and as deep as the root balls of the trees. This provides sufficient space for the roots to spread out over time, and reduces the chance of the flowerpot effect just like the bathtub effect.

We are very careful that the tree is not planted too deep. Because if you plant too deep, the tree will lack oxygen and its roots will not grow. And then the condition of the tree deteriorates and the tree eventually dies.


Remove the burlap and thread ball

When the tree is standing upright in the planting hole, we remove the wire ball and the jute.

The better the contact between the roots of the root ball and the soil of the growing area, the faster the tree will grow.

And notice that digesting jute from the soil removes oxygen. And this is exactly what the new roots need to grow.

So jute out; no matter what others say.


Anchoring the tree

Because the tree must be able to develop its young roots and become sufficiently strong and therefore not be damaged by too much wind, we anchor the root ball. We do this by placing wooden posts around the root ball below ground level and anchoring the tree with a tension system.

We will remove this tension system after a few years. The wooden poles are left in place and will rot away over the years and suddenly become food for the tree.


Install air ducts and watering system around the root ball

A recently transplanted large tree needs a lot of oxygen in the soil and must be given the right amount of water on time during dry periods. By installing perforated pipes around the root balls of the newly planted trees, we supply them with ambient air and therefore oxygen. And the watering system ensures that water is suddenly available in the soil, at the height of the new roots.


Fill the planting hole with topsoil

We fill the planting hole with the soil that we have removed and press the soil partly firmly and partly slightly softer. This is to ensure that the new plantings have suitable soil in both drier and wetter periods.

And pressing is necessary to ensure that the root ball makes contact with the soil everywhere and to remove all air. Because a root cannot grow in air.


Mulch and Water

Afterwards, we apply a layer of mulch around the base of the tree to retain moisture. We also water the trees generously, especially during the first growing season. But not too much, because that is even worse. That is why we place one in the root ball of the trees moisture sensor that we monitor remotely.

So that we know exactly when to give how much water.


Aftercare when planting large trees

One of the most important elements in the story!

To ensure successful planting, we monitor the trees closely. Both in terms of condition as a vitality. A regular one tree inspection allows us to intervene in time if things threaten to go wrong.

Also the tree management afterwards, is part of the aftercare. Like it crowning, accompanying pruning, pruning in the temporary and permanent crown. For the pruning works you can of course count on our passionate tree care professionals.

In addition we monitor the trees for the first five years in terms of moisture requirements. And note that in the last seven years there have been six extreme and prolonged droughts. So that is really necessary.

And when your trees catch on quickly and can develop into their final appearance, yours will too garden are maintenance-friendly faster, and you have less garden maintenance. Because mature trees with a mature tree mirror require almost no maintenance.



How much does it cost to plant a large tree?


Planting a large tree can easily cost a lot of money. As already mentioned, in addition to the purchase price, there is also a large amount of work.

You can expect that the amount of work will be equal to or greater than the purchase of the tree. This depends on the chosen tree species, tree size, conditions at the planting location and the planting location itself.

To give a guideline value, planting large trees can vary between €1.000 and €20.000 per tree.

But the price can also be much higher.

If you would like to know exact prices, please do not hesitate to contact us can be contacted without obligation.



Planting large trees in an underground growth site construction


If you wish to plant the tree in a more limited above-ground location and where paving is required such as a parking lot or driveway, it is also possible to plant a large tree sustainably.

Read our web page about underground growth site constructions to see what the possibilities are.

A underground growth site construction provides a good soil for the tree to penetrate, and a solid paving that can no longer compact the soil.

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