Ethical policy b‑Tree Tree Care


Ethical policy trees, nature and environment


b‑Tree Tree Care BV attaches great importance to sustainability, nature, biodiversity and the environment.

As a company, we make daily efforts to preserve as many trees as possible in a sustainable, responsible and sustainable way safe way. And we try to keep our footprint on the planet as small as possible.

To achieve these objectives we lay among other things emphasis on the following:


Sharing knowledge and information

To sensitize people to the importance of trees and their ecosystem services to emphasize.


The sustainable conservation of trees

Always comes first, together with the safety.


Planting many more trees than felling them

To increase the total canopy cover (crown projection of trees) of our planet, which has a climate-dampening effect, we want much more planting trees then we felling trees. We would like to indicate that we have succeeded in the latter very smoothly.


Monitor both sustainability and biodiversity in all projects

By communicating, naming and asking for opportunities to be developed.


Preventing the felling of trees during an application

When applying for the felling trees we check exactly what the customer wants. Why a bevel is desirable. And what we like expert arborist can mean to sustainably preserve the tree. But on the other hand, customer expectations can still be met. If tree technical advisor we often see different and better solutions than a layman or garden contractor.


We do not carry out unethical killings

And we inform applicants about why.


We do not carry out felling without a valid permit

En felling trees without valid one permit is not only illegal, but it can also make you a real one compensation costs.


We prevent harmful interventions in the soil

Door het gebruik van de gepas­te werk­me­tho­den (voor­ko­men wor­tel­scha­de, voor­ko­men bodemcompactatie, …).


We do not unethically “top” or “prune” trees

And we provide a sustainable solution such as: phased pruning.


We do not carry out harmful interventions on trees

And we work for it pruning trees according to the European pruning standard (ETPS) and for other matters according to the guidelines of the Technical vademecum trees or more recent guidelines in the tree care.


Our advice is substantiated from a tree-technical, physiological and morphological point of view

And will never be given for financial gain. Only correct and factual information, based on the morphological structure and physiological functioning of a tree is used.


We take into account the periods when we work in nature

And prevent disturbing breeding grounds, nests, young, etc. Both during it pruning trees if it felling dead and unsafe trees.


We do not use chemical sprays or artificial fertilizers

Because this is very harmful to soil life and is therefore very bad for all other living organisms such as trees that grow in this soil.


We use renewable electrical energy from solar panels

And usually have a surplus on our production.


Our waste flows are carefully sorted and transported to recognized centers

And try to make purchases in bulk as much as possible, so that as little waste as possible is created.





Ethical policy relationships


As a company, we wish to encourage correct behavior in all areas and do not tolerate inappropriate behavior, whether with customers, suppliers, employees or anyone else.

We attach great importance to the following values ​​in our company:

  • Honesty.
  • Open communication and fairness.
  • Discretion.
  • Digital information security.
  • Gender equality.
  • Respect and no discrimination.
  • Integrity and prevention of conflicts of interest.
  • Take responsibility.
  • Correctness.
  • Safety and Health.
  • Follow legislation and guidelines.
  • ...



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