
Felling or pruning dangerous trees



What to do with dangerous trees: sheets of pruning? This is a difficult question for a layman. Trees are big and seem very strong. This is true, but they are also very sensitive and sometimes very weak. When affected by a parasitic fungus they lose their mechanical strength and can be dangerous.

A parasitic fungus uses the building blocks of the tree's wood as food. This often loses the strength of the wood and therefore the tree can break. A dangerous tree can also fall very suddenly. With all its consequences.

By an unfortunate event in Portugal Many fatalities have occurred due to the unexpected falling of a tree. We are also sorry in our country a fatal accident occurs due to the sudden falling of a tree in Schoten. These two incidents happened in 2017.




Hollow poplar with heavy tilt. The poplar is also affected by real tinder fungus in various parts of the crown. Felling or pruning dangerous trees: for this poplar it is felling. It's too much of a security risk.


How to recognize a dangerous tree?


There are many things that can make a tree dangerous. Of course, this is only when there is something seriously wrong with the tree. To name a few things, a tree can:

  • uproot,
  • get a break,
  • have a branch break,
  • suffer from root fracture or root fracture,
  • to tear or torn,
  • ...to name just a few.


Trees hit by storm or heavy wind


When a tree is hit by a strong gust of wind so that its roots partly come out of the ground or ground cracks appear, it is quite clear that something is going on. It is therefore clear that a inspection of the tree is necessary. This is visually very noticeable. It is therefore quite easy to judge sheets of pruning. Even when it is not the most suitable time to prune the tree, we will still opt to use the to prune tree at this less opportune moment. Across the tree to fell if this is not necessary for the safety.



Felling or pruning dangerous trees due to parasitic fungal infestations



Goad in the rot (hollow trunk) of a two-meter-thick poplar. There is hardly any residual wall left and it has been decided to fell this dangerous tree, because pruning (removing weight from the crown) is no longer useful.


With a parasitic one fungal attack on the other hand, it is not always clearly visible what is going on. Let alone what the exact consequences of this attack will be. And what needs to be done to neutralize the situation of the dangerous tree in a well-considered and cost-friendly manner. Dangerous felling trees of pruning is now absolutely no longer clear. Further investigation (sound tomography or tensile test) will often be necessary.



Prod here next to the rotten (hollow trunk) of the same dangerous tree.


A lime tree that is affected by scab charcoal fungus will usually deteriorate faster than a beech, for example. But these trees will eventually be dangerous and will fall if you do not fell them in time. By the beech pruning and making its crown smaller, you reduce the mechanical load, and the tree can often be preserved for longer and still in a safe way. This allows you to postpone felling temporarily, but this could be for many years.

A attack by honey fungus in the case of a native oak, the tree will eventually die. On the other hand, a stable (tree) corpse will usually be left behind.

The consequences therefore depend from tree species to tree species and from fungal infection to fungal infection. And what can and should be done, both in the short and long term.
Because of all this difficult matter, it is best to ask for it as soon as possible our advice. It is also best to leave your tree inspect.



Felling or pruning a dangerous tree: mechanical problems due to the growth form


Next to attacks A tree can also develop a mechanical problem, for example due to excess weight of certain branches or its crown. Recognizing these branches and crown parts is specialist work and you can leave it to us. We are happy to give you the right advice here.

Sometimes, with a relatively minor intervention, pruning in the right place in the crown (and in the right way, of course), these problems can quickly be solved.

Trees with a crown that is too heavy or branches that are too heavy, which are in danger of breaking or tearing open, can be helped by pruning. The method of pruning to solve the problem will determine whether the tree has a longer lifespan or not.



A crown anchor, in combination with pruning, is often also a solution


Sometimes it is possible placing crown anchors, root ball anchors or steel cables (to replace remnants from old tree surgery) sometimes offer a solution, in combination with the adapted pruning method.
Always ask advice in this complex and difficult matter, especially when you own old and valuable trees. To our regret, we encounter many distressing situations where mistakes have been made against all rules and knowledge of the profession.

A dangerous tree does not always have to be cut down, but sometimes it is really necessary. Leave it cutting down dangerous trees then leave it to us. Please don't take the risk yourself; Cutting down trees in itself is dangerous, let alone cutting down a dangerous and/or damaged tree. This should only be started with the right knowledge.



Knowing when to fell or prune dangerous trees is specialist work


There are many factors that determine what is ultimately best done. With felling you completely remove the risk, but it is very time-consuming and very drastic. Felling is always the last solution.

When pruning trees you must be sure that the pruning is sufficient to remove sufficient weight. It is best to take into account that this is done correctly. And also that it pruning at the right time happens.

You must also be sure that the risk of the dangerous tree has been removed.


Permit for urgent felling or felling of a tree (emergency felling)


Regulations and legislation: acute danger or an environmental permit?

There is a difference between a situation where you can fell the tree within a few weeks.

Or a situation where it is best to fell the tree immediately for safety reasons. And with the current extreme and unpredictable weather conditions, it's best to play it safe.

You may carry out an urgent felling or acute felling provided you receive permission from the mayor. It is best to inform us as soon as possible via mobile phone, and first the municipality or police.

In other cases you will often need a felling permit or an environmental permit. You can read about it in more detail permits en safety on our separate page.


Dangerous tree: what if the tree has fallen?


For clearing the fallen tree you can of course also contact us. We regularly remove fallen trees. Even in the most difficult locations, in perfect condition, and without additional damage. We also do this with one telescopic crane; This is no problem for us and sometimes cheaper than manual, and certainly much faster.


Contact us without obligation for more advice.

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